
December 6, 2023
Buckets of rain splashed across all surfaces like ocean waves. June gloom seemed to seep into July. It was perfect weather for move-in day. Perhaps one might not view this as...
November 29, 2023
Questions & Yale Summers have always had that one particular moment where you appreciate them for helping you academically reset and rejuvenate before the next year. Yale...
November 15, 2023
Although the time at YYGS was the most exhausting two weeks of my life, I would do it over again if possible and never change a thing. Every day was jam-packed with moments...
November 8, 2023
The piano was always playing. Whether during lunch break or the Free Time period before curfew, there was always somebody seated at the sleek black pianos of the three...
October 25, 2023
My plan is simple: choose a battle, thoroughly understand the “system,” and build a community. First, I have to choose a battle because, unfortunately, I cannot solve all of...
October 18, 2023
I took a seat in a WALL53 auditorium chair. One hundred and forty-nine people surrounded me; out of these, I knew roughly fifteen. Two days into YYGS session II, it was time...
October 11, 2023
Yale Young Global Scholars, track Politics, Law, and Economics, to be precise, is where I spent two awe-inspiring weeks that felt like a second and an eternity all together!...