My plan is simple: choose a battle, thoroughly understand the “system,” and build a community.
First, I have to choose a battle because, unfortunately, I cannot solve all of our global challenges: homelessness, world hunger, climate change, and so forth. The battle is that passion inside of you, that issue that tugs at your heartstrings, that one thing that you wish future generations never have to experience. When you envision a perfect world, what is the biggest difference in that world compared to ours? That difference is the battle you have to fight.
But just because you pick one battle, does not mean to dream small. The battle I have chosen to fight is helping our generation through mental health issues, specifically anxiety and depression. I want to empower our generation. I want to help them understand how much their voice matters and how much they are needed individually to solve global challenges. I simply cannot solve all global challenges alone, but I can motivate others to make a difference. One drop does not make a splash in the ocean, but a thousand drops definitely can.
Once you have chosen your battle, you must find the root of the problem. The reality is that you cannot and will not win your battle unless you thoroughly know your “enemy.” In our first lecture, Shu Yi, the SGC program coordinator, emphasized the importance of systemic thinking. She explained that not understanding the system is equivalent to putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. So read, investigate, question, and never stop learning about global challenges, specifically your battle. The moment you stop learning, is the moment you stop making a difference.
In order to dive deeper into the jungle of mental health, I have intentionally sought deep conversations with loved ones who struggle with intense panic attacks, waves of depression, and relentless suicidal thoughts. Every heart-felt conversation shifted how I attacked my “enemy” leading me to one crucial conclusion: I may not necessarily be able to cure their depression or anxiety, but I can be a luminous light amidst their dark journey.
However, even solving one global challenge by yourself can be overwhelming, and quite frankly, hopeless. Accordingly, you need a community, a team full of people who are just as passionate and share the same mission. By virtue of YYGS, I have built a diverse community full of compassionate individuals all across the globe. I built unbreakable bonds with people as we fervently discussed current issues over meals in the Hogwarts-like dining halls, enthusiastically took photos in Yale’s beautiful campus, and blissfully debriefed our rigorous days. Even little moments like going out to restaurants, playing a pool game in the basement, or having Bible studies in the common room, fostered a joyous community.
Aside from my newfound family at YYGS, I am blessed to have a tight-knight community within my closest friends. We fused our friendship along with our passion for empowering teens to create the Here 4 You Podcast. The systematic learning process helped us realize that mental health is an unruly beast that can only be tamed with love. And we do so in every episode where we let every one of our listeners know that they have a beautiful purpose. Our mission is for the Here You podcast to serve as an outlet of support for teens worldwide as they navigate life’s twists and turns. As I continue to educate myself about mental health, I hope to share that knowledge in future episodes and further equip our generation with the tools to help themselves and those around them.
Although my YYGS session ended, my passion for building a better tomorrow did not. I am thrilled to start collaborating with like-minded scholars and achieve a greater change in our world. It was a privilege to unite with our generations’ leaders, and learn from the best faculty in the world. YYGS has equipped me with the right tools, community, and faith to continue my journey as a changemaker. Although I cannot promise that I will solve every global challenge (believe me, I wish I could), I can promise that our future looks bright with countless brave warriors fighting their chosen battle.
Author Details:
Valentina Barros
Solving Global Challenges
Ecuador & CA, USA