This article was written by Matej Milosievski, a student who attended the Solving Global Challenges session last summer.
Are you a sophomore/junior looking for a new enriching experience over the upcoming summer? Do you want to become a part of a global learning community and establish many new connections along the way? If YES, look no further. Yale Young Global Scholars is the perfect program for you. Here are a few personal tips of mine that will help you out with your YYGS application:
1. Choose your session
Before beginning your application, gather as much information as possible. YYGS is a very diverse academic program offering four different sessions. Those four sessions are:
- IST (Innovations in Science & Technology)
- LPC (Literature, Philosophy & Culture)
- PLE (Politics, Law & Economics)
- SGC (Solving Global Challenges)
I highly advise answering the questions under each given section via the following link: These questions might assist you in establishing which session is the most suitable for yourself.
2. Plan ahead
The YYGS application is not something you can complete in a day. I recommend starting your application process at least a month before your desired application deadline. The application deadlines are:
- EA (Early Action) November 2, 2022
- RD (Regular Decision) January 10, 2023
For more info regarding each deadline, refer to the following link: In addition, there are a total of three different dates throughout which YYGS is conducted. Those dates are:
- Session I: June 18-June 30, 2023
- Session II: July 2-July 14, 2023
- Session III: July 16-July 28, 2023
Think about the activities and/or responsibilities you might have over the upcoming summer, be it standardized exams, summer schools and camps or simply time that you want to dedicate to yourself and your family.
3. Reach out
The YYGS application is not necessarily something you can complete on your own. A variety of components are required for the YYGS application, some of which are meant to be submitted by your teacher/mentor/school official. Get in touch with your teachers/mentors regarding the recommendation letters. Preferably, find a teacher that knows you well, or a mentor that you have worked with for at least a year. Contact a school official regarding your official transcript, as the document is essential for your application. Also, do not forget about the financial aid documentation, as these documents can be relatively time-consuming and are usually dependent on the dedicated authorities.
If you hit a roadblock along the way, do not worry. YYGS has a global network of 13,000+ past participants around the world. In other words, YYGS Alumni might be around you, even if you are not aware of it. If you experience any difficulties while trying to connect to YYGS alumni, feel free to contact the YYGS staff instead. The YYGS staff is always there to assist you.
One message here is all it takes. :)
Author Details:
Matej Milosievski
Solving Global Challenges
North Macedonia